Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Corn Mazes!

I've harbored a desire to get lost in.. err, I mean, explore.. a corn maze for many years now. Various attempts were made while growing up, usually as a special birthday outing (isn't the end of October great?), but all were disappointingly small, none taking more than a couple minutes to walk through and all but one short enough to see over the walls and find the path before even starting. Perhaps this all had something to do with them being made of hay instead of grown in corn; perhaps simply the fact that we only found nearby mazes made for children. I was, for one thing, a tall child, and for another, quite unable to please with anything designed to be so simple. The one adult maze we found at a nearby orchard (my 15th birthday, that one was) was the one taller maze we found, but as a maze it was sadly pathetic. I really felt sorry for the poor thing.

It wasn't until within the last few years that I actually found real, long, worth-while corn mazes, and I've yet to get to any of them. Those I came across were many states away, and besides, until last year I was always too busy with school. Last year proved equally as difficult when the closest maze I found would have required an entire weekend trip to reach, and I couldn't drag anyone with me.

You'd think I would have looked harder, given just how long I've been wishing for a good lifesize maze to walk through. But it wasn't until this year that I came across this website listing mazes all across - and outside of - the United States. While none happen to be in Austin, a few are close enough to be a day's trip (even if it's my version of a day's trip). I can't make my family take me, and I'm too old to organize my own party at one, but perhaps I'll celebrate my birthday myself and find a free day to drive out this fall. Hey, if I like it as much as I expect to, perhaps I'll visit two.

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