Friday, August 31, 2007

August, in Conclusion

August has always been sort of an odd month. It's the month when, as a kid, I had to give up my summer and softball games and head back to school. The month when, as an older kid (some might say adult), I typically found myself moving out of the house; to college in one state or another, then to TX. When the family would cram in the last minute vacation, have a reunion or two, head out to the lake... An eventful month, ending with the start of a new year, especially when so much more was begun anew at the end of August than ever at the start of January. I haven't bothered saying much about what I've been doing recently, and despite being out of school, the tradition of new things has held, so in summary:

I have created the most difficult and the least difficult desserts of my life (cream puffs and a mock "french silk pie," respectively) and found success with both.

I managed to get a promotion (including a small raise.. and benefits!) before actually even starting my job.

I have finally given in and officially retired my car of three years. I'm trying to sell it. I've also found a new car. It's a lighter blue, it's also old, and I'm paying for it with oatmeal raisin cookies.

I've accidentally (unintentionally?) accepted a dinner date, for whatever point in time the guy actually visits TX. I think I've got at least a month.

I have decided on the general story idea I will use this November. It includes a story ending I've been sitting on for maybe a year and a half now, trying to find the right rest of the story. It fits this one perfectly, and I've got two months to come up with a detailed outline before I have to start writing.

I managed the most horrible singing I've ever done in front of people in my life. This is new in that I did not run screaming from the building. I did, however, verify with the choir director that I could practice further ahead of time in the future.

My brother turned 21. This isn't something I personally did. Actually, I had no hand in this at all. But it does emphasize my age.

I'm about to build the coolest cake in the world. But I'm sure I'll get a post and pictures later (and that won't actually happen in August).

And, in case it ends up mattering to anyone, I have designed my kitchen, and come up with themes for most of my house. I don't actually have it yet. But I've so far been successful with foundations made of dreams.

Not for Arachnophobes.

Experts debate origins of giant spider web. Right here in TX!

And all I can think of is The Hobbit. I wonder how carefully they've looked at the web.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friendship Posts

Look, I've discovered another way to avoid a post where I actually have to say something! However, there is a post over at Words, Words, and another over at Heart Speaks to Heart (that pointed me to the first), that ask and explore a lot about the idea of friendship and particularly Catholic friendship.

I'm not offering my own thoughts because a lot of what these two ladies have written are questions or thoughts I've wondered about myself, and I certainly don't have any more or better answers. But they're good posts (especially for anyone who grew up outside of Catholic circles; I can't vouch for what answers/knowledge someone used to those circles may already have) and worth heading over to read.

Monday, August 27, 2007

At Least I've Read It...

I've feeling far too (un)intellectual to do any sort of post with actual content lately. Or maybe just too introverted. Anyway, I generally try to avoid too many quizzes on this blog, but I have a weak spot for books, as in reading books, writing books, collecting books, going into used bookstores and staring at books, and knowing what particular book I personally am.

This quiz (stolen, though I wasn't tagged or anything, from
DarwinCatholic) applies to the final in that list of weaknesses. The answer?

You're A Prayer for Owen Meany!

by John Irving

Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire
faith in almost everyone you know. You are an agent of higher powers, and you manifest
this fact in mysterious and loud ways. A sense of destiny pervades your every waking
moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled. When you speak, IT

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I suppose I could be an agent of higher powers. Though I really do try not to be so loud about it. Mysterious, maybe. I can do mysterious.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Older Every Year

Before the day is completely over, I need point out a very important birthday today. My dearest brother has reached an amazing and happy 21 years. Here's to many, many more.

Happy birthday, kid!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

New Toys

I've added a beautiful selection of music to my sidebar. If it causes problems, leave a comment and I'll switch it so it doesn't start automatically.

Also, perhaps I'll get around to fixing settings to show the scroll bar. Because everyone wants to see all my music. Anyway, I had fun putting it together and playing with my new toy.

Monday, August 06, 2007


I've finally hit a road block in my cooking endeavors here in TX. I have utterly failed in the realm of pies. See, for the first time, I attempted to make a couple the other night. Yes, starting at night. Which might have been my first problem. I set the smoke alarm off twice sometime around 12:30am, turned the oven off without realizing it while attempting to set the timer, forgot to poke holes in the second set of pie crusts until halfway through the cooking time so they nearly exploded, and wound up annoyed enough with the whole process that I opted for playing a game of Age of Empires as a short break between attempts.

Final result: going to bed at...
5 in the morning, and waking up with..
4 failed pie crusts
3 hours of sleep
2 burnt fingers
1 batch of pie filling that I did, in the end, figure out what to do with
0 actual pies

But I can make a wonderful pineapple dessert.

I have high hopes for trying again, but before then, I have other things on my list, such as zucchini bread, cream puffs, and starting my own cooking show (Food Network, 3am; stay tuned! sure to become a favorite of nighttime chefs everywhere). And maybe a couple more games of AoE. Now that I know other people are playing regularly around here, I need to keep my skills up...