Tuesday, November 27, 2007

NaNoWriMo Continued

I did not do a week 3 end post, partly because Thanksgiving and getting sick and picking up a car and helping out family and enjoying people's company all got in the way, and partly because I had written so little that it was complete embarrassment to think about posting. Mainly, also, because even by the point I was starting to realize that I would not finish this year. I'm happy with the decisions I made, but posting my wordcount still would be a bit too much for me.

Now that we're in the final week, I've gotten somewhat of a second wind. I have to write slightly over 7,000 words per day to make it, and that's given that I have a house to clean, people to pick up from the airport, sleep to get to make sure I don't get sick, and rehearsals during what I had originally hoped would be my final hours on Friday. It's doable, but it'll be tough, and I'm not going to cry if I don't make it. (Of course, if I'm close enough, and feel well enough, I may very well stay up a bit...later...on Thursday, trusting that I can go to bed earlier Friday and sleep random hours throughout the day Saturday).

So that's where I stand right now. As far as the story goes, I'm on chapter 4, page 38 (single spaced), my heroine just became kidnapped by a large well-worn dragon ala the Velveteen Rabbit, and my hero just met his narrator who's job it is to help him along into having the best story possible...beginning with the one where everyone stays at home and is happy, which, however, he has now lost all possibility of doing. Both the dragon and the narrator already have more life than my characters, though I think I've realized the main personality and flaws of my heroine.... one obvious place where I'll have to go back and rewrite later in order to give the main characters more life in the beginning as well. I'm still not posting a word count.... if I wind up by some miracle making it, perhaps I'll boast by posting how much I wrote each of the last five days.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Matthew Kinney said...

Your Narrator has a cruel streak in her that makes her to upset the blissfully content hero with all these adventures (which, by the way, make you late for supper!)

Don't think I didn't notice!