Thursday, November 08, 2007

Week 1

Word Count: 5,013/50,000
Time Remaining: 22 days, 00 hours, 44 minutes

Well, I'm behind even where I was last year at this point, which was still behind, but not so behind as to have lost hope yet or be embarressed about posting it. Scratch that.. maybe a little embarressed, but that will only encourage me to speed up. And given the point at which I finally got around to starting this I'm improving at a decent rate. AND, maybe I will even write some more tonight.

So far, we have a main guy introduced, and main girl introduced, one living constellation introduced but not yet involved, and the lead up to the big scene that will lead into the true fantasy/fairy tale part of the story rather than just the modern world. Oh, and we have one major epic battle with a courageous wizard. I'm very pleased.

My only losses so far are a large portion of a bag of candy (consumed while writing), and the odd occurance of actually forgetting to eat dinner three nights in a row. Tonight might be four, but then again, I actually feel a little bit hungry... and I will be spending all day tomorrow in an active wrestling - oops, I mean restraint - class. No extra sleep loss at all! At least, not beyond what I would have had anyway, as I'm trying very hard to stay healthy.

Completely unrelated to this particular post, or maybe not as it did give me a bit of extra time tonight, I've been given a chanting reprieve due to an overbooking. I'm scheduled to be tortured Saturday morning instead. And, strangly enough, I'm neither hopeful nor nervous. But all the better to relax and write! (Unless you want angsty scenes. And let me tell you, I am good at those.... there should be some type of prize for that).

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