Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 2

Word Count: 11,228/50,000
Time Left: 15 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes

I'm still not quite where I was last year, which means still very, very behind. However.. this is the product of about three actual days of writing. I've discovered (through "I'm desperate, and being given incentive through having been mentioned in other blogs, and can't dare back down now" type desperation) that I can write about 1,000 words in around half an hour. Which includes a limited amount of time to think about what's happening and make decisions about the story.. about half of every minute can be spent doing that to get the 1,000/30min speed. So even spending 15 minutes thinking about each 1,000 word section, I need only 20 hours to successfully reach my goal. Entirely do-able! And this story is going so well (when I make time for it) that it's practically writing itself.

As of now, the "uh-oh, things are starting to go funny..." scene is written, as well as all the scenes surrounding it, my two main characters have gotten themselves into an entirely unexpected disagreement, and I've found out that I actually am capable of writing conversation, at least moreso than I ever was before, which might not be saying much. I've already found myself foreshadowing things I never intended to include in the story but now, naturally, am going to because it fits so well; and even I don't know who the mysterious note-writer is, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

In the real world, I've discovered that dinner isn't actually important unless eaten at someone else's house, and there's no such thing as too much Halloween candy or too many cookies. Laundry, however, still needs to get done, no matter how few people are in this house. And having someone else to talk to sometimes is good.

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