Sunday, November 04, 2007


I find myself in need of a bit of help. In particular, I'm looking for internet resources for Gregorian chant - something with sheet music and (preferably) easy to hear recordings. I'm sure I'll get somewhere by continuing to look myself, but my luck so far seems to consist of recordings without accompanying sheet music, and, to make it worse, recordings which seem to all have been recorded on a cell phone from the cry room of a packed church. I would still trust my luck and not ask for help, but - I need this by Wednesday night. As in this Wednesday. As in... I'm doomed.

Anyone know of a good internet site for obtaining written chant music?


Matthew Kinney said...

You have a rather generic topic here. Catholic chant has a thousand year old tradition. You could try to narrow it down a bit.

But, ask and you will receive!

These two are sorta the same thing. But there seems to be a handful of chant notated music for your use.

also, I have recordings of chant on CD--which may not help right now. But I can direct you to
which has MIDI files of approximately what the chant sounds like.

if you have a specific song that you are looking for, I might be able to offer more help.


Myth said...

No specific song - just something easy to repeat. Thanks for the links.

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