Saturday, March 17, 2007

Come Back With Me Lucky Charms!

I don't have to pretend, I really am part Irish. I also wore green by accident (not that I wouldn't have anyway.. I certainly intend to tonight), likely won't have an opportunity to partake of corned beef (which is sad, I love the stuff), and even more likely won't be offered a single glass of beer (or, for that matter, multiple glasses). However, I am going to listen to Irish music (as well as other types), hopefully dance a bit (though my brother's not here to pull me out on the floor), and enjoy food and company (though no stage time this time). I expect it to be wonderful, as I happen to know this brilliant, wonderful, awesome sounding, better than.. <\insert name of popular good band here/> (okay, maybe I'll stop now).. group that just happens to be scheduled to sing.

Now that it's taken me an entire paragraph to say it: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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