Friday, March 30, 2007

At It Again

Last night, I had a surprisingly pleasant night at SuperEvilBigStoreThing. I was pulled from apparel to head back to domestics (where I wound up working all last week), a department I think I do like better. A little. There's not a whole lot of better it can get (well, actually, there is, but it won't show up at BigEvilBuyThingsPlace). Tonight, a different lady was sent over to help me. One who has been in that particular department less than I have, or at least a lot less recently. And when she arrived she didn't question my method of sorting and placing things. I didn't even have to explain it. She didn't tell me I was doing anything wrong. Instead, she saw what I had been doing and jumped right in. And the modifications she made that worked for her, well, that was okay with me, and I didn't have a problem with what she was doing either. And then a miraculous thing happened; we got all our work done easily and quickly, and all was well in the domestics department at MajorBigMerchandiseShop. Who would have ever imagined it could happen?

Actually, I had a surprisingly pleasant night back on Monday night as well. It tends to go that way when they pay you overtime to sit around during your regular work hours and eat a free steak and shrimp dinner with all the trimmings. Including a surplus of sodas (I didn't write that. I wrote pop. They gave us lots of pop) and all sorts of desserts. I guess there are perks at any workplace. Or maybe I just have cool managers. But my manager can still beat up your manager.

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