Saturday, November 08, 2008

NaNoWriMo Week 1 End

Word Count: 6,076/50,000
Time Remaining: 22 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes

I'm off to a good start; I'm ahead of my word count at this point in time for either of the last two years, and that's even with the fact that I had something keeping me away from home every night this week. And I've settled into a pretty decent habit of writing every night, helped, I'm sure, by the fact that I had already picked up work on last year's novel. This one is turning out to be a bit more difficult to write due to the different genre. I've had to go back and seperately introduce each of the characters just to get into their heads and get to know them enough for me to actually write them, and I think I've changed who the main character is, or at least added a second one. However, it is coming along.

Now I'm off to bed, so that I can wake up in time to write a lot tomorrow - or at least get a number of other useful things done around the house.

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