Sunday, January 07, 2007

Random Supposition of the Day

Single life would not exist without the invention of cheese.

It's true. What else can be combined with so many different foods in order to create quick and easy meals? Need breakfast - bread topped with cheese, and a suitable drink. Lunch? Crackers and cheese, or string cheese, or a nice sandwich with peanut butter and cheese (fine, be traditional - meat and cheese), or a slice of ham and cheese all rolled up together. And a suitable drink. Of course, for dinner you have to have something including at least a somewhat higher level of nutrition. Back in MI this would have involved pasta and cheese; now that I'm in TX, mixing beans and salsa into the cheese and combining with chips works well, but I could also see potatoes, or - hamburger, but it takes so much more effort. For even more nutrition, add broccoli or cauliflower, or even apples, with melted cheese. All, of course, accompanied by a suitable drink. Midnight snack? Cheese balls!*

Just kidding on that last one. Cheese balls take time to make - though you could always buy one, and a few crackers while you're at it.

Next week we cover chocolate.

*All items created within a safe environment. Do not try at home if you have parents, dairy allergies, a dislike of cheese, other people expecting to actually eat the meals you cook, or a fear of the color yellow.

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