Sunday, November 05, 2006

Treatment of Disabled Newborns

American Papist linked to an article today talking about active euthanasia for disabled babies, an action being advocated for by "one of Britian's leading medical colleges."

A particular quotation struck me as interesting:

"We can terminate for serious fetal abnormality up to term but cannot kill a
newborn," he said. "What do people think has happened in the passage down
the birth canal to make it OK to kill the fetus at one end of the birth
canal but not at the other?"

That came from someone in support of euthanasia. It struck me because he's so right.. and yet, so far off the mark in what he's actually advocating. And the language is changed; instead of a baby, it's a fetus that reached the other end of the birth canal that he wants to kill. I hope that doesn't become widespread. I hope it isn't really where we're headed next, even though I know it is, in places, already. I'll leave the rest for you to read if you want, but I couldn't leave this one unmentioned.

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