Saturday, May 05, 2007

My Previous Night's Activities

I would just like to mention that I'm now the proud owner of Full Metal Alchemist episodes 9-20. I'm no longer stuck at episode 8! And yes, I'm willing to make this a communal set if anyone wants to borrow.. or, better yet, come watch them with me. I've got the first 8 already, I'm willing to sit through them again. (I suppose that really just extends to the people within.. Texas. Though far be it for me to discourage traveling.) It's so nice of random strangers to sell nice DVDs like this cheaply.

Fridays at BigEvilSuperStore have now become a lot more interesting. I may go in disguise next week; I hear they sell some nice masks over in, say, Italy... But they fed us pizza last night, which makes the third week in a row that I've had free food, so I think I'll keep going back. For now.


Darwin said...

Are these the American release DVDs? Wow, those things are expensive... I think I've only got the first four, since my sister made off with the complete VHS collection.

Myth said...

They are.. I can't claim to have enough money to pay full price for them just now, so I've kept on the lookout for sales. They're not common, either, this is the first I've found since getting episodes 1-8 at Christmas.

Matthew Kinney said...

Please put me on your list to borrow. Sometime this summer I'm sure we can find a chance to watch them.

Great, the first season is mostly under control, now we just need about 40 more episodes...