Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Get to Travel!

The Big Evil Corporation of Doom (hey, there's a new title!) has done something right (besides the free dinners), and approved my vacation. They're giving me part of my soul back for an entire two weeks in June! So I'll be going home on June 8th, and coming home again on June.. 24th, maybe. 23rd. Something like that. And somewhere in there I'll probably also go home. To another home or two. Y'know, just so I don't confuse anyone. I'll also hopefully go to Mackinac Island, though this is still is the speculation stage and needs much encouragement from me.

I feel like I ought to have something more substantial in this post, but I also feel exhausted and am already sitting on my bed. I think you can guess which wins without needing to read the part of the post I didn't write. Right?

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