Monday, May 14, 2007

An Important Event

I would like to extend a special congratulations to my brother and his girlfriend fiance. The important date will be occuring approximately one year from now, May or early June.

Yay little brother!

(And for the curious who notice the posting time and were with me Sunday evening, and possibly noticed my rather unawake state of existance; yes, I did indeed successfully if surprisingly make it home okay, and did indeed stay up until almost 3am drinking, chatting, and cooking a turkey with houseguests. It eludes me how I'm awake to write this at the moment (it's been over 30 hours since I slept, not counting about fifteen or twenty minutes during the second episode of Firefly). But it seemed an important enough announcement to stay awake and make. Again, to the happy couple, congratulations! ..and with that, I'm off to bed.

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