Sunday, April 06, 2008


So I just realized that I missed removing one of my April Fool's that it's the end of the day on the 5th. Oops. My apologies. My apologies especially to anyone who did not see this blog on the 1st and was therefor utterly confused about what I was writing and thought I'd simply lost my mind. Not that I actually have an audience of more than, say, 3 people (whoever you are, you're all wonderful!), so it's not that much of a problem.

It's spring here! There are finally wildflowers all over the place. Of course, when I go back to MI in a couple weeks, I'll probably have snow, and may for once actually be disappointed about it (it's finally.. spring!), but for now I'm happy. The fields and roadsides are beautiful, and I finally am beginning to understand why other people can miss the flowers so very much when out of state....

1 comment:

Matthew Kinney said...

As one of your three faithful readers, I have to say that your April fools posts certainly disturbed me...I was trying to figure out if 1) stress was getting to you more than it seemed or 2)this was actually some sort of secretly coded message.
I was deep in the midst pursuing the "coded message" theory, when something shiny caught my attention and then I forgot all about it. I guess it's a good thing it wasn't that important.