Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Card Coolness

In the form of a Battle Room game! Particularly exciting as I spent many of my younger years trying to find the computer game that most closely resembled either the battle room or the command school games from Ender's Game. (I think the final result was Homeworld). Naturally a real life game would be even more exciting, but I'm afraid the best we're ever going to have in my lifetime is laser tag. Which is still pretty darn cool.

Also, the InterGalactic Medicine Show is now offering four stories, one from each of the first four issues, for free. One of these is written by Orson Scott Card, and falls into the Alvin Maker series. I've bought all seven issues so far, and after re-reading these four, I'm delighted to see one by Card available, and I think the first story in particular (Trill and the Beanstalk) is a great selection. Go read.

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