Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Heaven is not beyond the clouds, it's just beyond the fear.

I have no idea what song that's from, but I heard it on my way home tonight. I haven't decided whether I like the song at all. I know it's not theologically correct. But this particular line stood out to me.

It's true, in a way. In this life, we get closest to heaven through our love, through the trust we place in God, through not letting fears and worries hold us back. We need to trust that His plan for us is good and that He is taking care of us, no matter what we see with our own limited vision. We need to trust His unfailing love for us; trust the tiny baby lying in a manger as a real example, one of the most real, of God's unfailing love for every single one of us.

Gaudete! Christ is born!

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