Friday, July 06, 2007

Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics

In the past couple weeks I came across an offer to review two separate books. Both are offered on R.A.G.E Media. Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics, the first of these two, takes a different approach than many other books by presenting ten different questions for a Catholic to ask instead of answers to the usual questions we're called upon to answer. The book includes a Catholic explanation for each of the questions, and having read through them, they're fairly easy to follow and understand.. none of that "err..what?" language from all my theology books. What clinched it for me as a useful book, though, was the first chapter: Guerrilla Apologetics 101. It does cover the basics, including the fact that only God's grace (not you) can cause someone to convert, and the oft-missed fact - at least in most generic Christian-converting-non-Christian books I've had a chance to read - that being civil is, y'know, nice. And keeping a relationship is more important than arguing so much about beliefs that you end up unable to stand each other's company.

It's also only about sixty pages, not including space at the back for notes. Not quite pocket sized, though..

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