Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wasn't It About This Time Last Year...?

I suppose not; I suppose I left my last job, the last time I officially left one, later in the summer. I'm not certain whether it's a habit better kept as tradition or left to eternal sleep by the wayside of (once this year is over) years past, this frequent coming and going. It provides some interesting changes, some more than interesting experiences, and a whole new perspective on numerous points of life each time a particular job is joined and, finally, left, and during all the moments in between. There's something to be said for that - for the people you meet, the things you learn, the new or deeper understanding of the world, humanity, and God, if only you pay attention each time.

This is beginning to sound like far too fond a farewell, isn't it? I wouldn't plan on working there again, but I suppose I did, after all, come to like some of the people I was working with, and for that, if not the store's sake, I'll let it go at a fond farewell and not edit it for the worse.

(Besides, it doesn't hurt that my final Friday was another steak and shrimp dinner, does it? Or that on my very last night - though the reason had nothing to do with me - they served Gatorade, fresh cookies, and all sorts of candy?)

All of that aside, or not aside, as the case may be, as it directly pertains to the fact of my leaving and the point of this post, I HAVE COMPLETED MY FINAL NIGHT at the BigMajorSuperEvilStore.

Somewhere in heaven, the angels rejoice, and sing praises in unending hymns; somewhere on Earth, I fall asleep, vaguely wondering whether they'll mail my last check or make me go pick it up.

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